lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Dear Mr. President

We wanted to create this post because the song seems perfect for this situation. After suffering experienced by the society, why not dedicate a few words the president?

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Interview with Erik T. Anderson

He has lived in New York most of his life, so we wanted to know how we lived on 11 September and how he sees the current situation.

1. Where were you when the disaster occurred?
I was working at my office.  It was located 4 blocks away from the World Trade Center.  That is approximately 200-250 meters distance.

2. What were you doing?
Typing email at my computer

3. Why media found out? 
The media found out because of the loud explosion that shook all of the buildings in the area.

4. What was your first reaction?
New York is a very noisy city.  My first reaction was to ignore it because I believed it was construction noise or a traffic accident.

5. Were you able to contact his family at that time?
I was not able to contact my family for more than 3 hours.  All of the mobile phone lines were jammed with all the people making telephone calls.

6. Did you know someone who was at that time there?
I did not know anyone very well.  I later learned that my friends had family members there.
7. How much coverage did the media in the U.S.?
Nearly every all media sources covered the story.  All television channels showed the pictures.  Some television and radio stations lost the ability to broadcast their signal because one of the main antennas for the signal was on top of one of the towers. 

8. Do you think the Bush administration was able to prevent the attack?
I do not believe the Bush administration could have done much to stop it.  No one expected that such an attack would ever occur. 
9. To what extent has changed the security in the country? Do you feel safe?
Every time I fly on an airplane, all people's lives have changed.  Safe?  It is part of life now.

10. What was your feeling after learning the death of Bin Laden?
I was pleased.  I wish I could have happened sooner.

11. Do you think there may be retaliation from Al Qaeda?
Very possible.  They are a determined group. 

12. Are you happy with the project being arisen I deem in Ground Zero?
The project is good.  The speed is far too slow.
13. What about all those U.S. soldiers who have been more than 7 years in Iraq?
It is unfortunate that the must be away from their families for so long.  The soldiers are professionals and understand the risks, benefits and commitments from joining the military before they do so.

14. Do you think U.S. Government was right to invade Iraq?
Not anymore.  At first, I was cautiously supportive.  However, none of the threats that the Bush administration identified for invading Iraq turned out to be correct.  It was a mistake and unnecessary.

15. Do you think the actual Government is doing well by not showing pictures of the corpse of Bin 
I do agree.  My wife had an idea that I think is a good one.  If the family members of those killed on 9/11 want to see the pictures of the corpse of Bin Laden, then they should be invited to the White House to see them for themselves.

16. Now that is going to produce the tenth anniversary, what is the atmosphere there?
Hopeful.  Hopeful that New York and the World never see such an awful act of terrorism again.

Begoña Velao, Nerea Sanz, Leyre Heránde y Jana Celada

May 2nd, 2011

 Osama Bin Laden is dead

The most wanted by EEUU, Osama Bin Laden was found and killed. Osama fled since 2001 and the monitoring operation lasted for months. Finally, on May 2th, 2011, Osama was caught and he died of a gunshot to the head.
According to the New York Times report, a prisoner at Guantanamo said the revealed the name of man who was confidential mail the leader of AL-Qaeda. He was searched, and at the end located in a high security residential complex, 55 Km from the capital of Pakistan. It was monitoring lasted eight months.

At first, the CIA watched complex, and CIA suspected that Osama Bin Laden could be in the complex. When U.S. President authorized the operation a team of military and U.S. intelligence agents jumped out the helicopter to the site.

In 45 minutes the operation was over. In the operation also killed three other men, possibly one of the sons of Bin Laden, and a woman. After that the body was indentified the intelligence services took the body to Afghanistan and there thrown overboard.

Firstly, a photograph was leaked to the press, the photograph showed Bin Laden’s corpse. But this was a manipulated photo. White House hasn’t been leaked pictures and videos of Osama Bin Laden’s body, although it says there.

When the news was known American patriotism broke. Americans took to the streets, people packed Times Square and Ground Cero. People were screaming with joy on the streets for the death of the most wanted man, the most hated man, Osama Bin Laden.

Like that ends an intense search of the leader of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Now U.S. and Europe are in alert for the possible retaliation by the organization. 

Leyre Hernández Sanz

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

July 19th, 2010

Returning home after seven years

In July 2010 the fourth brigade of Stryker armored vehicles of the Second Infantry Division U.S. Army left, ending with Operation Iraqi Freedom began in 2003.  

At first everyone thought that the withdrawal of troops from Iraq could be one of the most difficult ever faced by the U.S. Army for a period of six months to two years. In addition to the displacement of thousands of troops and material, was a problem.

What at first was to last 40 days was extended to 87 months, at cost to the Pentagon's 784,000 million. Despite of the economic wear and the lives lost in this war, troops have left the country before the deadline to set up Barack Obama, the current U.S. president.
Nevertheless, 50,000 troops remain in Iraq the United States, which are not combat brigades, but will be responsible for training Iraqi security forces as part of Operation New Dawn. "In this new operation, U.S. troops have to deal with the training of Iraqi forces in a country that is not stabilized.

 State Department described the event as "historic moment", however, despite the withdrawal of the brigade, neither the Pentagon nor the White House has given a end of the American mission in the country set for the next 31 August.

Begoña Velao

March 15th, 2006

The new Ground Zero

The catastrophe of September 11th was a turning point in the lives of AmericansIt was a blow to the United Statesand left to see the rest of the world that despite of being the world's first paper was not an “invincible” country.

The place where the twin towers were after suffering the attack was dubbed Ground ZeroThis place has become over the years into a pilgrimage site, where thousands of Americans and citizens around the world come to pay homage to the deceased.

Because of that reason there was much debate about what to do in the areaThere were hundreds of projects to restore Ground ZeroAfter discussing the different proposals, it was selected a project that consists of four towersa cultural center and a transit station.

At first, the main building was christened with the name Freedom Towera symbol of the freedom of the American peopleIn March 2009 the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey made ​​public according to the first tenant of the Tower, Beijing Vantoneand decided to change the name to the tower at One World Trade Center.

One of the World Trade Center will be one of the world's largest skyscraper with 101 floors and is expected to be completed in 2013.

No doubt is thatdespite of the fact that the changes that occur in the name or the design of the project from Ground Zerowill remain a landmark in New York and in the world. This place will be essential for the thousands of tourists who visit the city each year and, of coursefor people who could behold that day with his own eyes one of the most important events of the century.

The rehabilitation of ground zero will be completed in 2013

Nerea Sanz 

July 7th, 2005

Attack in London

July 7, 2005, four years after the September 11, London is attacked. The date is important because it is the bloodiest terrorist attack in the United Kingdom since 1988, when 270 people died in the terrorist attack in Lockerbie, Scotland. Besides, it is other terrorist attack by the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda after the September 11, attack on the Twin Towers in New York.

In the London Underground exploded 3 bombs in three subway cars, the bombs exploded with a difference of 50 seconds. Around 50 minutes later, other bomb exploded on a bus in Tavistock Square. These attacks killed 56 people, and 700 people were injured. The bombs are four and a half kilograms of explosives.

At 8:50 AM, in the rush hour of the London Underground, three explosions make terror in the London Underground on line 204, 216 and 311. At first, the police thought that the explosions had been caused by an electrical overload. Si Lan Blair said two hours after the attack that it was a terrorist one. London declared the Amber Alert, the subway was closed, the trains returned to stations and services are closed.

At 9:47 AM other bomb, fourth bomb, blows up a bus of two plants when it was in Tavistock Square, he had diverted their usual route because of the explosions in the subway. The bus roof flew off and the back of the bus was destroyed.

July 21, 2055, days later, other four explosions exploded in the London Underground and a bus, the detonator exploded, the four suicide bombers were arrested.

Through the security cameras intelligence services indentified four suspects entering the London Underground. Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization, published in the Islamist website a statement where Al-Qaeda admitted the attacks. The authors of the terrorist attack were Mohammed Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Hasib Hussain and Jermaine Lindsay.

There was a further investigation to determine whether there was official negligence.

Some rescue teams were sent to incorrect places. People thought that the protocols of action hadn’t been correct. The first fire-truck arrived at the station at 9:18 AM, 20 minutes after the first explosion.

Furthermore, people also talked about the intelligence service of the Ministry of Interior knew the dander called Mohammed Sidique Khan, leader of the terrorist group, and they knew that the terrorist group could attack. Heather Hallet, magistrate of the investigation decided that there wasn´t negligence. 

Leyre Hernández Sanz

November 27th,2004

National Commission report

The National Commission on terrorist attacks of 11-S was formed on 27th November 2004. The commission was formed by ten American politicians. Former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Keanchaired the committee comprising five were the Democratic Party and five were the Republican Party.                               

The objective of the National Commission was investigating the facts and circs relating to the terrorist attack. This included data relating to intelligence agenciesdiplomacyimmigration lawsborder control, commercial aviation, etcThe investigations were carried out to find justice those responsible for the attacksThese investigations were done to find the mistakes made in American security that the attacks were committedThe committee was also formed to prevent future attacks.

After extensive research and extensive interviews and testimonials, the National Commission issued its final report in July 2004The main conclusion of this report was the failure of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) made ​​terrorist attacks occurredThe report clarifies that if the CIA and the FBI had acted in a more sensible and aggressiveterrorist attacks could have been avoided.

The publication of the final report was the latest research conducted by the Federal Government on the events of 11-S, with the exception of the report of the National Institute of Standards and Technology about the collapse of the World Trade Center.

The National Commission was widely criticized by activists of the Movement of the truth of the 11-S. They accused the commission of hiding information and also, the task at hand was useless.

Jana Celada